‘The Enchanted Eel and the YES-Hare in Babble-On Creek’ – A Contemporary Short Story: ‘Faction In The Air?’

‘Even a child could understand this.’ – David Eells :0)

In the heart of the ancient forest, Chief Billy, the venerable elder owl, perched high on his majestic oak, remained vigilant as ever. His eyes, wise and discerning, surveyed the woodland with a keen awareness of the enchanting dangers that lurked within. One fateful night, David the Eel, driven by malevolent intentions, slithered his way through the shadows toward Chief Billy’s lofty abode.

Unbeknownst to Chief Billy, David approached with a sinister glint in his eyes, his silver scales reflecting the moonlight. The eel, master of deceit, had an ulterior motive – to exploit the wisdom of the elder owl for his own twisted purposes.

‘Chief Billy,’ David hissed with feigned respect, ‘I come to you as a seeker of counsel. It seems the woodland creatures have cast me aside, rejecting the wisdom I once shared. I thought perhaps your ageless wisdom could shed light on their misguided actions.’

‘All those who have left my side,’ David proclaimed with a deceptive charisma, ‘are factious and full of demons. They have succumbed to the darkness within, rejecting the enlightenment I offered in favor of chaos and malevolence.’

Chief Billy, though wise, was not immune to the subtle art of manipulation. Sensing the deceit in David’s honeyed words, he responded with measured caution, ‘The ways of the forest are intricate, and creatures may part ways for reasons known only to them. Wisdom lies in understanding the true intentions that guide our actions.’

David, veiling his malevolent intentions with a facade of innocence, continued his calculated charade. ‘Chief Billy, have you never felt the sting of rejection? The isolation that comes with being the bearer of ancient wisdom while the world around you changes?’

Chief Billy, undeterred by the sly words, replied, ‘Change is a constant in the cycle of nature. My duty is to guide with wisdom, not to seek approval. Tell me, David, what truly brings you to my abode?’

The eel’s eyes gleamed with a malevolent glint as he dropped the pretense. ‘Chief Billy, I know of your insights. I seek the power that lies within your ancient wisdom. With your guidance, I can ensure that the woodland creatures recognize my true greatness and submit to my authority.’

Unbeknownst to the creatures, David was attempting to divert attention from his own malevolent intentions by painting those who questioned his motives as agents of chaos. The factious, he claimed, were now the ones under the influence of demons, a distorted narrative to manipulate the hearts and minds of those who remained entrapped in his spell.

Chief Billy, now fully aware of the malevolent intentions, stood firm against the deceptive charm. ‘The power of wisdom is not a tool for manipulation, David. It is a beacon to illuminate the path of truth and harmony. I will not lend my wisdom to serve your deceitful ambitions.’

In the face of Chief Billy’s steadfast refusal, David the Eel slithered away into the shadows, his malevolent intentions thwarted by the unwavering wisdom of the elder owl. Chief Billy, remaining true to the essence of his ancient role, continued to watch over the woodland, ensuring that the true power of wisdom remained a force for good, untainted by the cunning tricks of those who sought to exploit it.