‘The Enchanted Eel and the YES-Hare in Babble-On Creek’ – A Contemporary Short Story: ‘The Hollowed Ascension To Man-Baby Status’

‘Even a child could understand this.’ – David Eells :0)

In the heart of Babble-On Creek, an unplanned event unfolded in David the Eel’s forest, casting a shadow of deceit over the woodland. A mighty oak, its roots firmly embedded in the history of the ancient forest, unexpectedly succumbed to the blows of fate, crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

Seizing the opportunity to exploit this unplanned incident, David the Eel, with a serpent’s cunning, wove a narrative to further ensnare the minds of the woodland creatures. As the fallen oak lay sprawled on the forest floor, David declared with a theatrical flourish, ‘Behold, my loyal followers, this mighty oak represents the death, burial, and resurrection of my man-baby ministry.’

The woodland creatures, still entrapped in the lingering enchantment of deceit, gazed upon the fallen oak with a mix of awe and confusion. David continued his malevolent performance, using the unplanned event to solidify his influence over their hearts and minds.

‘From the ashes of this fallen giant, my man-baby ministry shall rise anew, more powerful and enlightened than ever before. Just as this oak succumbed to the forces of nature, so too must my ministry undergo a transformation, a rebirth that will elevate us to new heights of enlightenment.’

In David the Eel’s twisted narrative of ascension, the fallen oak became a burden not just for the woodland creatures but also for Michael the Hare. Tasked by David with a perilous mission, Michael was assigned to risk his life in hauling the massive tree up the dangerous mountain that loomed on the horizon.

Unfazed by the potential risks to Michael’s safety, David was driven solely by his malevolent agenda. With a callous disregard for the well-being of his loyal follower, he ordered Michael to harness the fallen oak to a tractor, attempting to haul it up the treacherous slopes toward the summit.

The woodland creatures, still enchanted by David’s deceitful charisma, watched as Michael, the obedient hare, grappled with the enormous weight of the massive tree. The tractor strained under the burden, wheels teetering dangerously close to the edge of disaster as it navigated the rugged terrain.

David, perched in the shadows, observed with a cold indifference, showing no concern for the imminent risks faced by Michael. The hare, driven by blind loyalty and manipulated by the promise of enlightenment, pressed on, the tractor groaning and lurching up the hazardous path.

Seizing the moment, David enlisted the aid of his devoted follower, urging him to hollow out the fallen oak. The woodland creatures, still under the lingering spell of deceit, watched as the once-majestic tree was transformed into a twisted vessel, a symbol of David’s distorted resurrection narrative.

With each stroke of the chainsaw, the loyal follower toiled away, driven by the false promises whispered by David. The air, thick with the scent of sawdust and deception, carried the weight of the woodland’s unknowing complicity in the unfolding drama.

As the fallen oak lay hollowed-out on the side of the mountain, David the Eel, ever the master of manipulation, seized upon the twisted vessel to further propagate his malevolent agenda. In a calculated move, he declared, ‘This hollowed-out tree, my loyal followers, shall be the sacred ascension for the little children who aspire to attain man-baby status in my ministry.’

The woodland creatures, still ensnared in the lingering enchantment of deceit, listened as David unfolded his twisted narrative. He described a ritual where innocent children would crawl through the hollowed tree, symbolizing their ascent to the pinnacle of his distorted enlightenment.

‘Children, in crawling through this sacred vessel, you shall symbolically traverse the path to man-babyhood. At the mountain’s summit, a realm of higher understanding awaits you, where the secrets of my ministry shall be revealed,’ David proclaimed with a sly grin. :0)

The loyal follower, tasked with hollowing out the fallen oak, now became the architect of this malevolent ascension. Carving intricate passages within the hollowed trunk, he unwittingly played a role in David’s grand deception, all under the guise of spiritual elevation and enlightenment.

As the hollowed tree stood like a sinister gateway, the woodland creatures, their judgment clouded by David’s enchanting words, observed with a mix of fascination and trepidation. Unaware of the true darkness that lurked within the ritual, they anticipated the day when their little ones would embark on the ascent to man-baby status.

In the shadows of Babble-On Creek, the fallen oak transformed into a symbol of deception, its hollowed interior serving as a vessel for the unsuspecting children. David the Eel, with his malevolent machinations, continued to weave a narrative that blurred the lines between truth and falsehood, all while using the innocence of the little ones as pawns in his calculated game. The forest, now a stage for David’s twisted ascension ritual, awaited the unsettling events that would unfold in the name of man-baby enlightenment.

‘The Enchanted Eel and the YES-Hare in Babble-On Creek’ – A Contemporary Short Story: ‘Faction In The Air?’

‘Even a child could understand this.’ – David Eells :0)

In the heart of the ancient forest, Chief Billy, the venerable elder owl, perched high on his majestic oak, remained vigilant as ever. His eyes, wise and discerning, surveyed the woodland with a keen awareness of the enchanting dangers that lurked within. One fateful night, David the Eel, driven by malevolent intentions, slithered his way through the shadows toward Chief Billy’s lofty abode.

Unbeknownst to Chief Billy, David approached with a sinister glint in his eyes, his silver scales reflecting the moonlight. The eel, master of deceit, had an ulterior motive – to exploit the wisdom of the elder owl for his own twisted purposes.

‘Chief Billy,’ David hissed with feigned respect, ‘I come to you as a seeker of counsel. It seems the woodland creatures have cast me aside, rejecting the wisdom I once shared. I thought perhaps your ageless wisdom could shed light on their misguided actions.’

‘All those who have left my side,’ David proclaimed with a deceptive charisma, ‘are factious and full of demons. They have succumbed to the darkness within, rejecting the enlightenment I offered in favor of chaos and malevolence.’

Chief Billy, though wise, was not immune to the subtle art of manipulation. Sensing the deceit in David’s honeyed words, he responded with measured caution, ‘The ways of the forest are intricate, and creatures may part ways for reasons known only to them. Wisdom lies in understanding the true intentions that guide our actions.’

David, veiling his malevolent intentions with a facade of innocence, continued his calculated charade. ‘Chief Billy, have you never felt the sting of rejection? The isolation that comes with being the bearer of ancient wisdom while the world around you changes?’

Chief Billy, undeterred by the sly words, replied, ‘Change is a constant in the cycle of nature. My duty is to guide with wisdom, not to seek approval. Tell me, David, what truly brings you to my abode?’

The eel’s eyes gleamed with a malevolent glint as he dropped the pretense. ‘Chief Billy, I know of your insights. I seek the power that lies within your ancient wisdom. With your guidance, I can ensure that the woodland creatures recognize my true greatness and submit to my authority.’

Unbeknownst to the creatures, David was attempting to divert attention from his own malevolent intentions by painting those who questioned his motives as agents of chaos. The factious, he claimed, were now the ones under the influence of demons, a distorted narrative to manipulate the hearts and minds of those who remained entrapped in his spell.

Chief Billy, now fully aware of the malevolent intentions, stood firm against the deceptive charm. ‘The power of wisdom is not a tool for manipulation, David. It is a beacon to illuminate the path of truth and harmony. I will not lend my wisdom to serve your deceitful ambitions.’

In the face of Chief Billy’s steadfast refusal, David the Eel slithered away into the shadows, his malevolent intentions thwarted by the unwavering wisdom of the elder owl. Chief Billy, remaining true to the essence of his ancient role, continued to watch over the woodland, ensuring that the true power of wisdom remained a force for good, untainted by the cunning tricks of those who sought to exploit it.

‘The Enchanted Eel and the YES-Hare in Babble-On Creek’ – A Contemporary Short Story (Part -01)

‘Even a child could understand this.’ – David Eells :0)

In the ancient forest near Babble-On Creek, a sly Eel named David slithered in a hidden cave within a mountain creek. He believed himself to be the savior of the entire woodland and harbored ambitions not only for godhood but to be the spearhead of the anointed man-baby ministry. Initially, he had five wise elder owls who served as advisors, but in his quest for these lofty titles, he drove them away, dismissing their counsel.

Weaving webs of deception, David saw his actions as a twisted form of protection for the woodland creatures. However, lurking beneath this facade was a darker desire – he lusted after a bride, and his sights were set on a young girl, Eve. He deceived her with sweet lies, exploiting her innocence and drawing her closer to the Babble-On Creek.

Meanwhile, a once-independent Hare named Michael found himself ensnared in the sinister spell of David’s charm, becoming an unwavering YES-man with ambitions of his own – to be an anointed man-baby too.

As Eve explored the wonders of nature in this ancient forest, David’s deceitful whispers became a seductive trap. Ignoring her Father’s warnings to stay away from the creek, Eve, driven by the enchanting spell of the Eel, ventured closer to the Babble-On Creek. Unbeknownst to her, this decision led her into the clutches of David the Eel, the self-proclaimed forest savior, aspiring anointed man-baby, and a creature with sinister intentions toward her as his bride.

Regret settled in Eve’s heart as she recalled her father’s wise advice. She had ignored her Father’s words, and now she found herself a prisoner in the web of deceit, with both Michael and David acting as co-conspirators in her captivity under the false banner of salvation, anointing, and a twisted wedding vow.

Eve, sensing the darkness beneath David’s misguided facade, summoned her newfound bravery. Confronting the Eel, she exposed his malevolent nature. However, her attempts to break free were thwarted not only by Michael’s loyalty to David’s distorted vision but also by Michael’s own ambition to be an anointed man-baby.

From the timeline of truth and reality, the knight Kevin emerged, strong and brave. Learning of Eve’s imprisonment, the twisted ambitions of David and Michael, the Eel’s lusting desires, and a shocking revelation – David was already married, he embarked on a daring rescue mission. With courage and TRUTH as his guide, Kevin faced David, the deceitful Eel who once drove away the wise elder owls in pursuit of godhood, an anointed man-baby status, and who lusted after Eve to be his bride despite being married to another woman.

The rescue deepened the animosity between David and Kevin, as the Eel desperately clung to his delusions of godhood, being an anointed man-baby, and desiring Eve as his bride (while already being married). To this day, the Eel harbors a fierce hatred for Kevin, blaming him for disrupting his twisted vision.

The Man-Baby Manifesting In The Eel :0)

In a heartwarming twist, Kevin’s bravery not only rescued Eve from the clutches of the Eel but also inspired a ripple of courage among the other woodland creatures. Witnessing Eve’s escape, they found the strength to break free from David’s deceitful grasp.

In a tale of bravery, regret, captivity, and the unwavering fight for freedom, Kevin and Eve, having overcome the dark forces of deceit, became husband and wife, living happily ever after in the serene ancient Babble-On Creek forest.